Thursday, March 7, 2013


Hello world! My name is Eric Robinson. I am a student about to go into George Washington University, and who also writes for the political news site Independent Voter News. I have two passions in my life: politics, which I hope to build a career in, and television shows, which is more of a hobby, but still is a close second to politics. Since I do watch a ridiculous amount of television, I think that it would probably be best to have television blog in order to make use of such a passion. I do this in the hope of improving my writing and maybe having a conversation with others over the hobby I find so interesting.

So what is the point of this blog? Good question.

I definitely don't plan on exclusively doing episodic reviews of shows, as that would be very time consuming and painful. I might do it if I find myself passionate about a show enough, and if no one else seems to be reviewing it. I also will not talk about any reality television. I might occasionally write a piece on a documentary, but only if it's interesting to write about.

Stay tuned!!!